Well qualified and experienced team members, with advanced technology knowledge and latest production facility supports to fulfill our vision in the best manner& customer satisfaction. Classic Enterprises Ltd has a thoroughly trained team of professionals in the marketing, production, development and finance department who give their best to satisfy the needs of the Customers.
Culture of our company & team
- Supply best quality products to the customer
- Immediate & precise response to enquiries.
- Provide need based technical support.
- Encourage usage of the sheets which are environmental friendlyin new applications.
How our team is one of the best teams?
- Classic Enterprises Ltd is a company that goes out of its way to give employees challenging projects and then provide the trust and support to help them meet challenges successfully.
- Classic Enterprises doesn’t use ratings to establish employee capabilities,but does fillip their morale to enhance creativity and team work bonding. Managers take on the role of a coach to guide the employees set goals and determine how they should be assessed.
- Continuous training culture promotes risk taking factors amongst the staff and supporting their work without a flair for penalty being part of an open company culture.